How to find File Notation Areas In Tengraph Web that are no go due to Biosecurity reasons or Government Leased Pastoral Stations for Aboriginal Corporations .
Under Covid Restrictions from 20/05/2020 Section 40e’s will not include areas that are File Notation Areas (FNA’s) or Aboriginal Leased Stations.
This is to protect vulnerable people from getting Covid 19 – basically what it means is although you can travel through most of WA from 29/5/2020 some land is not accessible. Also if you want to apply for a Section 40e (Permit to prospect on granted Exploration Lease Land) then it will not be granted over the FNA’s or the 63 Pastoral Lease Stations that are leased by the Government for Aboriginal Corporations.
It is unsure how long this restriction will be in place but here is how you find those areas on Tengraph Web.
Thanks for the information Bill. It had me stumped on how to find the areas.