Training to show you where the gold is and where you are legally allowed to go in West Australia.
Bill O'Connor
I help people find gold by providing information, training and tools. at websites such as,,, to help them find gold in WA. Developer and Partner in Goldtrackerapp.
I am a Metal detectorist and involved in Gold exploration since 2005.
Trained 750 people at 66 Seminars in Cue .
Teaching Gold prospecting since 2012
Have Mining Tenements in Cue, Sandstone.
MD SLS Exploration Pty Ltd.
Former Exec, Secretary, Treas. and Webmaster of the Amalgamated Prospectors and Leaseholders Association (APLA),
Life Member of APLA.
The purpose of Post is to explain how the changes to Download area for Tenements will affect the “Download Tenements” App provided to you in the GeoMap Training or at Gold Prospecting WA Seminars. It also explains How you can get and use the Download Tenements EXE file to use on your PC.
Important Caveat about the Download Tenements App
Please note:The Download Tenements APP will NOT work for you unless you have the standard folder and files setup we teach in our Gold Prospecting Seminars, on the Geomap Training Site or at our Free training at Seminars and with our APLA Free Training.
If you do not have that simplified Files and Folders setup on your PC this information will not be relevant to you.
In order to simplify the process of downloading tenements for people to use GeoMap, we have a standard folder and files system that we set up and populate with data on their laptops, including standard Master Projects and created a “Download Tenements” APP that; (if the user is connected to the internet)
Links to the DMIRS data and Software system,
Finds the correct download shapefiles for Mining Lease Tenements,
Downloads the File and inserts it to the correct Standard Folder in C:/ Drive , (C:/GeoMapData/Tenements/tenements.*)
Unzips the files in the correct folder.
Projects are created where the Tenements data is pointed to in this folder.
When the Project is opened next it has the updated tenements included.
Then, when any project is opened such as the “Master” Projects and Projects that people have created, the project automatically adds the latest files that the user has downloaded and inserts those tenements into all their Projects.
This ensures that “Up to Date” tenements are always displayed on the users GeoMap projects – provided they have clicked on the download tenements APP.
A View of the Folders and Files Setup We Use and Teach For GeoMap Projects
How to Get the New “Download Tenements” Vs4 App
Chapters in Video Time 00:17 Where is File Link 01:19 After Download Browse to folder 01:46 Pin Ikon to Task bar 02:16 Security, Windows Override 02:59 Download Tenements 03:26 Remove Vs 3.0 of App 04:09 Unpin old Ikon from Task bar
Windows Security Issues with EXE files – How to Bypass
Windows and Security software do not like EXE files so you will need to bypass the security to add the Download Tenements Vs4 Exe file to your PC. Her is a video that shows you how to do that.
Please remember to always check files with your virus checker or Security Software before you click on any link!
This is the New Download Tenements vs 4.0 app Ikon here.
The Download Tenements App Ikon Vs4.
When you have the App on your PC it;
Goes to DMP Data Centre.
Downloads the tenements Esri shapefile Zip File.
Unzips those files to the correct file on your PC eg C:/GeoMapData/Tenements
That is where your GeoMap Projects search for it and then Tenements update automatically next time you open a project.
NOTE: this is only a graphic of the app Ikon it is not clickable. Also note that the Download Tenements File will show Vs4.1 this it the same as the Ikon headed V 4.0
How to Get The Download Tenements App PDF Instructions
The purpose of Post is to explain how the changes to Download area for Tenements will affect the “Download Tenements” App provided to you in the GeoMap Training or at Gold Prospecting WA Seminars.
Quick Update 11 May 2022
A quick update on progress of changing the “Update Tenements” app Used in Geomap Projects.
This is required due to the changes of the File Location of the Tenements Shapefiles provided by DMIRS for the Tenements and other files used in Geomap.
Our good friend and business partner Kurk Brandstater is currently writing the code to update the “Download Tenements Vs4.0” App.
I expect the coding to be provided in the next week or so then I will;
Build a “Geomap Training” lesson and send an email to Geomap Training people and it will included a video of how to get the app and remove your old version 3.0.
Send an email To Gold Prospecting WA readers to explain the changes and link to the same lesson .
Include the information in the next APLA newsletter (we have provided free training in the past to APLA Members).
DMIRS have listened to our concerns and given us the time necessary to do these things prior to their changes so we appreciate that and thank them.
Bill O’Connor
11 May 2022
Changes to Download Locations Announced by DMIRS
A newsletter from DMIRS in January 2022 relates to the changes to the Data and Software Centre Downloads to happen in 2022.
– This will impact GEOMAP Training and GOLD Prospecting Seminar users who have our “Download Tenements” App. It relates to the changes to the Data and Software Centre Downloads location to happen in 2022.
What will The Impact Be to Changes To Download Urls?
I have asked these questions to DMIRS (On Behalf of Gold Prospecting WA and Geomap Training WA)
– When is the change likely to happen? – How long will the current URLs and redirects be in place? – What will the URL links Be? The key data download is the “current live and pending tenements (GDA 1994) esri shape files”. ie Tenements Tenements – Current (live and pending) – [GDA1994] ESRI Shape File – What is the changes to the “file download behaviour” you mentioned will that impact on direct download of the material without additional steps?
This will impact on our “Download Tenements” app as there will be a new URL location to download tenements.
When it Occurs We Will Advise “Download Tenements” App Users of the Impact
I will advise users when the changes will occur and explain how you get the updated “Download Tenements App” software onto their PC when I find out.
Video Showing the Manual Way to Download Tenements For GeoMap and One Click Method
Here is a video relating to the Manual way to download Tenements for Data and Software Centre which is explained in Lesson 8 of the Geomap Training WA Online Course Note that you need to be a GeoMap-Training-WA online member to access this lesson.
How to Download Tenements for Use in GeoMap.
The Hard, time consuming way to do it.
The Easy Way to Do it and,
Changes to “Download Tenements App” -What we will do about it.
Transcript of Video Download Tenements for GeoMap Projects – Changes to Download URL 2022
Bill O’Connor (00:01):
Hi Its. Bill from Gold Prospecting WA.
I just want to put up a quick video on that article I wrote about the Department of Mines changing the download location for tenements, and particularly in relation to GeoMap.
So I’ll just go into the Data and Software Centre, and here’s the DMIRS Data and Software Centre, Department of Mines. This is how you would normally download your tenements. You want the statewide spatial datasets for GDA1994. Make sure you are in that TAB. You will see that it is GDA1994 there, statewide spatial datasets. You want the tenements. You want tenements current, live and pending. You want to download the ESRI Shape File, and then you hit on download.
Bill O’Connor (01:05):
So now it is downloaded you find it in your data downloads, and I will just explore to my data downloads.
Here is my data downloads here.
Notice how it is in “This PC/Downloads/”.
That is no good.
That is not where we need this file.
Your projects in GeoMap are trying to find the CurrentTenements shapefiles.
If it is in downloads, GeoMap will not find it.
If it is in my documents, GeoMap will not find it.
So you have to get the file to wherever you put your tenements and your GeoMap program is searching for it.
What you do then is go to your “Downloads”. You will find the file there.
There it is. The CurrentTenements.shp (1). You must transfer that to the correct folder that GeoMap Projects are pointing to.
And we said keep your files in “C” because then you can transfer them to any other computer without any problems.
So all your GeoMap files should be in “C”.
And in “GeoMapData Folder”,
we put all our files in C drive/GeoMapData/
So we’ve got all our maps, all of our data, our Geology, Minedex, our Projects, and our tenements are there.
Bill O’Connor (02:30):
Drag The Download CurrentTenements.shp (1). file across to your tenements.
So now you know now it’s in C:/GeoMapData/Tenements/ folder.
What you have to do now is unzip it.
Right click it. “Extract all” or “extract to here” if you have software that enables you to do that, then click “extract all.”
But we only want it in C:/GeoMapData/tenements Folder
So I’ll just get rid of the last bit.
Delete that. Because we want it to unzip in Tenements. Click “Extract.”
It will also replace the tenement files you have in that folder … Currently you have older files there.
The last time you downloaded your tenements are in there.
So click “replace the files in the destination.”
It will replace the files in the destination.
Now all your current tenements data is in the correct folder, just browse to the C:/GeoMapData, Tenements folder again, and you’ll see there that your current tenements shapefile is the 27th of the 1st, which is today. Today is the 27th.
It is actually tenements from yesterday, but that’s downloaded today.
Now that is the long way to do it.
Bill O’Connor (04:06):
The quick way is this.
People who have done our seminars will have our “Download Tenements” app.
This is the Download Tenements app Ikon here.
The Download Tenements App Ikon.
When you have the App on your PC it;
Goes to DMP Data Centre.
Downloads the tenements Esri shapefile Zip File.
Unzips those files to the correct file on your PC eg C:/GeoMapData/Tenements
That is where your GeoMap Projects search for it and then Tenements update automatically next time you open a project.
NOTE: this is only a graphic of the app Ikon it is not clickable.
That Download Tenements app automatically goes in and does that work for you. So if I click on it, • it will open it up, • it will go into the Department of Mines website. • It will download that zip file, which is the tenements zip file. • It will Unzip those files to the correct folder in your GeoMap Data files. • When it is done, it will just say success.
Bill O’Connor (04:46):
So you’ve had success, you’ve downloaded the tenements to the correct folder that your GeoMap program is looking for them.
So instead of doing all that work that we showed you before (The Manual Hard Way shown above), what the Download Tenements App does…
When you click one button, it downloads the tenements zip file, unzips it, puts it in the right folder.
And then next time you open your GeoMap, you will know that your tenements are updated to the latest tenements at the time when you downloaded it last .
That is the quickest way to do it,
And that is the issue with DMIRS changing the download links.
We have to rebuild that “Download Tenements” App.
I will send out information when those changes will occur. Thanks very much. This is Bill from Gold Prospecting WA.
Just in case you want to know where water points are in West Australia when you want to go prospecting such as;
We were recently asked about this from a Historian who wanted this information for research but it is handy for you to know how to do this on Tengraph Web in case you do have a need for water.
We do not suggest you rely on this information for any other purpose than information you MUST take sufficient water with you when you are in the bush. Do not rely on water points like dams and bores in case they are dry or not working.
Here is a video of how to do that using Tengraph Web.
Video – How to Find Windmills Bores and Water Points on Tengraph Web
How Much Water Should You Take into the Bush with You
It is recommended that you carry at least 4 to 6 litres of water per person per day and more if you are in hot or humid conditions. Don’t go out prospecting with less than that.
More Training – Tengraph Web
Full training in how to use Tengraph Web is available on the website including a free training in the following subjects:
(1) Where to find gold in WA, and (2) Where am I allowed to go Prospecting in WA, (3) And how to use Tengraph Web and Geomap to ensure you go Prospecting Legally in WA.
This post has also been published in Lesson 4 as a topic in the Tengraph Web Online Training . Lesson 4 “Understanding the Map and Layers Legend in Tengraph Web”
What is Crown Land in WA
Public lands are referred to as Crown land, including land set aside for nature conservation and various government or public purposes, as well as vacant land.
As opposed to privately owned land such as Freehold Owned Land.
Crown Land can consist of a number of different uses such as:
– Vacant or unallocated Crown Land not used for any purpose.
– Crown Land that is leased to users like Pastoral Leaseholders for the purposes of grazing livestock.
– Crown land that is used for Reserves such as “A” Class reserves.
– Crown land for specific uses such as Road reserves Water reserves and so on.
Then there is Native title land as well.
Crown Land is Displayed on Tengraph Web
To find out the land uses that are applicable to land in WA you need to look at Tengraph Web which (when the Cadastre and Land layers are turned on for land uses) will show you what the classification or ownership of land is around Cue or anywhere in WA.
How to Use Tengraph Web to find Land Reserves, Crown Land, Native Title Land and places you can go prospecting for gold.
How to Find Crown Land, Reserves and Native title Land using Tengraph Web
Full training in how to use Tengraph Web is available on the website including a free training in the following subjects:
(1) Where to find gold in WA, and (2) Where am I allowed to go Prospecting in WA, (3) And how to use Tengraph Web and Geomap to ensure you go Prospecting Legally in WA.
How to find File Notation Areas In Tengraph Web that are no go due to Biosecurity reasons or Government Leased Pastoral Stations for Aboriginal Corporations .
Under Covid Restrictions from 20/05/2020 Section 40e’s will not include areas that are File Notation Areas (FNA’s) or Aboriginal Leased Stations.
This is to protect vulnerable people from getting Covid 19 – basically what it means is although you can travel through most of WA from 29/5/2020 some land is not accessible. Also if you want to apply for a Section 40e (Permit to prospect on granted Exploration Lease Land) then it will not be granted over the FNA’s or the 63 Pastoral Lease Stations that are leased by the Government for Aboriginal Corporations.
It is unsure how long this restriction will be in place but here is how you find those areas on Tengraph Web.